
How Can I be Saved?

If you want to hear more about this matter of salvation through Christ, you can listen to the book Around the Wicket Gate. Read more for a link to this audio book.

Helpful Articles

Click the link below to download helpful visualized articles as well as articles of the spiritual life.

What We Believe

We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as plenarily and verbally inspired by God and without any admixture of error in truth;

Pastor's Bio

Daniel Peede became the pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in April, 2010.His desire is that God will truly bring spiritual fruit to this ministry, and that it will be a light in Rocky Mount as well as a blessing to the true Body of Christ around the world!

The Wrath to Come

Judgment fire is going to come upon this earth just as quickly as the flood of Noah’s day came. Many will be unprepared, just as they were then.